
Bluegrass was contracted to support Chevron in the post-Katrina and -Rita cleanup of toppled or damaged offshore production platforms. For over 18 months, Bluegrass equipment and technicians operated from the work vessel Swordfish, and her sister ship Remclough, which had been chartered by Chevron. Moving from platform to platform in the GOM, we cut stringers, caissons and structural platform members underwater and on deck to comply with BOEM and BSEE federal requirements to remove toppled platforms and O&G production debris from the seafloor.


Gulf of Mexico


Wildwell, Chevron


Chevron contracted Bluegrass knowing we were capable of deploying relevant, reliable and adequate equipment and operators to a ship, prepared to cut an unknown number of mangled steel caissons and stringers of varying diameters, subsea and on the seafloor, at depths down to -200.’ We were also prepared to cut objects on deck as dictated by circumstance.

To meet the demands of this long term project, we deployed underwater wire saws of various sizes up to 60” which were custom designed to be attached by divers. Because the saws were engineered, designed and fabricated by Bluegrass, our team back at Bluegrass HQ was able to effectively provide remote support by trouble-shooting as the on-site team worked their way through the complexities and changing variables associated with this inventory of damaged platforms.

This long term project was successfully completed with no recordable safety incidents.


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Maintaining project shedules and budgets since 1979.

Location: Russellville, AR

Client: Entergy Nuclear

Location: Haddam Neck, CT

Client: Connecticut Yankee