The Bluegrass culture promotes a safety-first attitude. On job sites our technicians are prepared, aware, equipped, and committed to safe practices.
The Bluegrass culture promotes a safety-first attitude. On job sites our technicians are prepared, aware, equipped, and committed to safe practices.
We pioneered the development of remote demolition technologies, robotic hammering, and diamond wire sawing, which allows for removal of the worker from the immediate work area. For over 35 years, our controlled demolition experience has been using technology which is itself driven by safety.
We conduct scrupulous job hazard analyses before the job, during the operation, and conclude with a post contract review. We invest in continuous training, and promote a corporate culture recognizing that best safety practices enhance productivity. This safety first attitude is reflected in a superb track record from 1979 to date.
We operate in a variety of industries and geographic areas, and train our technicians to the highest standards for each. On the job site, the Bluegrass operators are consistently productive while persistent about hazard analysis. Site-specific certification applies to nuclear facilities, states and countries, and many of our technicians carry these qualifications as well as the following: